Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9 Weeks!

I was 9 weeks on Sunday! A couple of the blogs I read have done this "pregnancy highlights" post each week of their pregnancy. I love the idea and absolutely want to do my best to record and remember every moment of this pregnancy!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: I'm 9 weeks!

Size Of Baby: Baby Hornaday is the size of an olive.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 4 lbs (I was using different scales, so this could be a little off!)

Maternity Clothes: I am currently wearing all of my normal clothes, but my skinny jeans are definitely tighter than they have ever been!

Gender: We are SO excited to find out!

Movement: No movement yet, but I CANNOT wait to feel this sweet baby move!

Sleep: I have been absolutely exhausted! I fall asleep on the couch almost every night by 10:00! I have been sleeping very well during the night, which I have been so thankful for. I have been getting up 1-2 times a night to use the restroom, which I would rarely do before being pregnant.
What I Miss: Pop!! Oh goodness do I miss it!

Cravings: At first I was craving Mexican. Lately I've been craving fruit, especially apples.

Symptoms: I have really been so blessed with a great pregnancy so far. I've hardly felt sick. Weeks 6 and 7 I felt nauseous some throughout the day, but that is mostly gone! I have been really tired, especially after teaching 2nd grade all day!

Best Moment This Week: We had our first Doctor appointment last Thursday, and it was so exciting just to be there and talk with our Doctor and Nurse. We did not get to hear the heartbeat, but can't wait for that at our next appointment!


We could not be more excited about this precious gift from God. I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember, and I'm so thankful I have been given the opportunity! James and I are feeling so happy and blessed.