Thursday, November 18, 2010

16/17 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: Well, we had a doctor appointment yesterday and our doctor officially changed our due date. We are now due April 26, 2011... 5 days earlier than we had originally thought! Therefore, I am now 17 weeks!

Size Of Baby: Baby Hornaday is the size of an onion.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Yesterday at the doctors office they said I have gained 5 pounds. However, I had gained weight before our first appointment so I think it's more than that (which is why previous weeks say I've gained more than 5 pounds), but we will stick with 5 pounds :)

Maternity Clothes: I am wearing all of my regular clothes, BUT I am loving leggings and my bella band! My friend Alyssa gave me a HUGE tub of maternity clothes to borrow! I am so thankful for her and am so thankful to have so many cute clothes to be able to choose from in the next few months!

Gender: We are SO excited to find out! Our doctor wants to wait until I'm 24 weeks before doing another ultrasound, but I'm REALLY hoping we can get one a few weeks early so we know before Christmas. I'm not good at being patient!

Movement: I have felt the baby move a few more times and simply LOVE it!

Sleep: Sleep is the same… still sleeping great! I wake up every night to use the restroom, but have no trouble falling right back to sleep. And, like clockwork, I typically fall asleep on the couch every night by 10:00!

What I Miss: Pop, pop, pop.

Cravings: Cereal, candy, orange juice.

Symptoms: I'm still getting terrible headaches. Our doctor said everything is looking great, so he was not sure what is causing them. His suggestion was to eat small snacks between meals to make sure my blood sugar does not get low. He thought this may help my headaches. So, today I had a snack before lunch (which I had already been doing), one after lunch, and another one when I got home because we ate a late dinner. I am so happy to say I did not get a headache today!! So, I'm praying this is what was causing them and that I will continue to be able to prevent them from happening! I've also had a few really bad dreams in the past week.

Best Moment This Week: My belly is getting bigger and lots of the ladies at work have been making sweet comments about seeing my bump! Of course, I LOVED being able to hear the little heartbeat yesterday at our doctor appointment. I have also been so thankful for all of the wonderful comments people are leaving me on facebook and on my blog. It's so nice to hear words of encouragement and advice from girls that have already experienced what I'm going through. I feel so blessed!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

15 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: I'm 15 weeks!

Size Of Baby: Baby Hornaday is the size of an apple.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 7 lbs

Maternity Clothes: I went shopping for new clothes this weekend! I have been so much less stressed while getting ready for work this week, it has been wonderful. I did not buy any maternity clothes; I’m just not quite big enough for them yet. I didn’t buy any pants either. Pants are just so expensive and I know I will grow out of them so quick. I did buy several dresses that I can wear with leggings and a few longer sweaters. I could live in leggings! I am wearing my bella band with my normal pants, and although it’s not the most comfortable thing in the world, it works! If only I could wear sweatpants to work!

Gender: We are SO excited to find out! I would LOVE to find out before Thanksgiving, so we can tell all of our family then. Do you think we can do that or will it be too early? We have a doctor appointment next week, so we will see!

Movement: I have felt the baby move a few more times. I absolutely love it! It is such an amazing feeling and can’t wait for it to happen more and more often.

Sleep: Sleep is the same… still sleeping great! I wake up every night to use the restroom, but have no trouble falling right back to sleep. And, like clockwork, I typically fall asleep on the couch every night by 10:00!

What I Miss: Pop, pop, pop.

Cravings: Same as last week… Golden Grahams, orange juice, and lima beans.

Symptoms: I have continued to have some really bad headaches again this week. Nothing seems to help them. Sunday night was terrible, all I did was lay on the couch with pillows over my face! I’ve also been very emotional. I don’t like that feeling at all. I just wake up feeling sad for no reason. I’ve been praying a lot about this, and it has been better the last two days. I have so much to be thankful and hate feeling sad.

Best Moment This Week: While we were shopping this weekend we decided to check out the discounted Halloween area at Target. We started looking at the costumes and the first one we found was a little monkey costume for a 6 month old. I turned to James and said, "We will have a 6 month old next Halloween!" We both loved the monkey outfit and it was super cheap so we bought it! It’s so fun to buy things for our baby! I can’t wait to find out if we’re having a boy or a girl so I can really do some shopping!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

14 Weeks and 3 Days!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: I'm 14 weeks! (Technically I’m posting this late, so I’m truly 14 weeks and 3 days!)

Size Of Baby: Baby Hornaday is the size of a lemon.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 7 lbs

Maternity Clothes: I am still wearing all of my normal clothes, but can’t button any of my pants! Well I guess I should say I cannot comfortably button any of my pants and these days I am totally going for comfort! I am so thankful for my bella band. It is a life saver. I don’t find it to be the most comfortable, but that’s probably because I double it up. If I don’t, the thing is huge! I am going shopping this weekend and hope to buy another pair of leggings and lots of tops to wear with them.

Gender: We are SO excited to find out!

Movement: I am pretty sure I felt the baby move for the first time this week! It was absolutely amazing. I was sitting on the couch and could feel little flutters. I was so excited I about started crying! (I cry a lot these days!) I can’t wait for the movement to happen more and more often. I also can’t wait for James to be able to feel the baby move!

Sleep: I am still sleeping great. I have not been feeling nearly as tired, but still usually fall asleep on the couch around 10:00!

What I Miss: Pop of course!

Cravings: Golden Grahams, orange juice, and lima beans.

Symptoms: I have had some really bad headaches this week. Nothing seems to help them. I’ve also been very emotional. I cry so easily. One minute I am so happy and then the next for absolutely no reason I am sad. Ah, lovely hormones!

Best Moment This Week: Feeling the baby move! It’s the most amazing feeling. I feel so incredibly blessed to be carrying this child!