Sunday, January 30, 2011

26 and 27 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: I am a bit behind on my blogging. This is my 26th and 27th week update!

Size Of Baby: At 27 weeks baby boy is the size of an eggplant.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I have gained 14 pounds and goodness can I feel it. Eek :(

Maternity Clothes: I am wearing only maternity pants, sweats, or dresses. My tops are a mixture of both maternity and regular.

Gender: It's a boy!!! We are SO excited!

Movement: His movements and kicks have become a lot stronger so I can tell he's getting bigger!

Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty well. It takes me a little longer to get comfortable and I usually wake up once to use the bathroom.

What I Miss: Being able to drive in the car more than an hour without having to stop to pee :)

Cravings: Orange juice, oranges, and Reese's Puffs cereal.

Symptoms: My back still really hurts and I have felt really tired this week. Saturday night I had some really bad stomach pains. They felt a lot like cramps but stronger. Thankfully it lasted about 45 minutes and then I felt fine. I don't know what was going on but it scared me. I've felt good ever since.

Best Moment This Week: We bought paint for the nursery and ordered the nursery furniture last weekend! We picked up the furniture today and I can't wait for James to put it together. I am also obsessed with shopping for our little boy and LOVE every chance I get to buy things for him. James is in trouble :) Ha!

26th week baby bump...

27th week baby bump...

Sweet parking spot while shopping with Tracy...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

24 and 25 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: I am currently 25 weeks... getting closer to meeting our sweet boy!

Size Of Baby: Baby Hornaday is the size of a head of cauliflower.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Last time I went to the doctor I had gained 10 pounds. We have another appointment this week so I will have a better idea of how much I weigh now. Not that I really want to know :) HA!

Maternity Clothes: James and I went shopping last weekend and I bought several pairs of maternity pants. I got a few dress pants for work and two more pairs of jeans. I also bought a few maternity tops, but I wear my normal tops for the most part!

Gender: It's a boy!!! We are SO excited!

Movement: I will never get tired of feeling my boy kick and move around. It's so precious to me! He was kicking a lot during a math lesson this week, so I told my class he must love learning math like they do. A little later one of my boys came up and said, "Mrs. Hornaday, I think your baby is going to come out a mathematician!" A few of my kids got to feel him kick this week too, which was really fun for them and me!

Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty well. It takes me a little longer to get comfortable and I usually wake up once to use the bathroom.

What I Miss: Aside from my clothes fitting, nothing really!

Cravings: Orange juice.

Symptoms: My back still really hurts and I have felt really tired this week.

Best Moment This Week: For the first time, this week I had two strangers ask me when I was due. I got so excited! My aunt bought us a cradle and it came in this week so James was able to put it together. I just can't wait to have our little one sleeping next to us in his cradle! We also decided on crib bedding this week! We ordered part of the bedding so we can pick out paint and start painting the nursery. We've also started cleaning out the room we're using for the nursery, and I hope to be able to work on the room more this week!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

21, 22, and 23 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: Yikes, I've been a terrible blogger. I have not posted in 3 weeks, so I'm trying to catch up. I am currently 23 weeks!

Size Of Baby: Baby Hornaday is the size of a papaya.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Last time I went to the doctor I had gained 10 pounds. Yikes! I'm doing my best to embrace this growing body of mine and just enjoy every minute of being pregnant.

Maternity Clothes: I finally bought a pair of maternity jeans. They are the most comfortable thing! I don't love the style, but they work. I really want some skinny jeans, but don't want to pay a fortune. I'm wearing mostly my normal tops!

Gender: It's a boy!!! We are SO excited! We've had a lot of fun picking out little outfits and looking at bedding.

Movement: Baby boy loves to move around and kick. He has been kicking a lot lately. James felt him kick for the first time 2 weeks ago! We were at church and my sister was with us too. I loved that they were able to feel him! James has felt him kick a lot in the past few weeks, along with my sisters and parents when we were together over Christmas break! I love feeling him move around inside of me.

Sleep: Sleep is the same… still sleeping great! I wake up every night to use the restroom, but have no trouble falling right back to sleep.

What I Miss: Aside from my clothes fitting, nothing really!

Cravings: Hmmm.. nothing really. Everything sounds good. I feel like I'm always hungry!

Symptoms: My back has really started to hurt.I'm so thankful to have a husband that will rub it for me! I also have to pee all the time :) Thankfully it's during the day and I can make it through the night going only once and sometimes not at all!

Best Moment This Week: Well because I'm covering three weeks in this post I have a few :) 1. Finding out we're having a boy!! 2. James feeling baby boy kick for the first time. 2. Being able to shop for little boy outfits and starting to plan the nursery!