Sunday, October 24, 2010

13 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: I'm 13 weeks! Actually, we may be a bit further along than this! Friday we had an ultrasound and the nurse said our baby is measuring a little bigger. So, we may be due about 5 days earlier than we had been thinking, which would put my due date at April 26! I am sure we will find out more information after we meet with our doctor!

Size Of Baby: Baby Hornaday is the size of a peach.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 7 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: I am still wearing all of my normal clothes. My jeans are really uncomfortable, but I don’t feel like I should buy new ones yet because I am just getting bigger. I really want to go shopping and get more outfits I can wear with leggings.

Gender: We are SO excited to find out! I was REALLY hoping we would be able to find out at our ultrasound on Friday, but it was too soon!

Movement: No movement yet, but I CANNOT wait to feel this sweet baby move! On Friday my tummy was going crazy and I thought maybe I could feel the baby move, but I think it was just my tummy growling.

Sleep: I am still sleeping great.

What I Miss: Still POP!!

Cravings: This week I have not had any real strong cravings. I can always eat an apple and this week I ate a lot of candy!

Symptoms: I have continued to have some pretty bad headaches this week and some pain in my side, but other than that I have felt great.

Best Moment This Week: This week was filled with amazing moments. We had our 2nd doctor appointment on Tuesday and were able to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It was one of the most amazing sounds James and I have ever heard! I wish I could listen to that little heart beating every day! The heart rate was 144 on Tuesday. On Friday, we were able to have our first ultrasound. Oh my word, I can hardly describe the feeling. It was absolutely amazing! The picture was so clear and we could see our sweet baby so well! I could not believe how developed all of his/her body parts were! We could see the tiny hands, feet, fingers and toes! He/she moved it’s hand while we were looking, so it looked like he/she was waving at us! The baby liked to have it’s hands up by it’s mouth! Both mommy and daddy were thumb suckers when we were little, so we definitely got a laugh out of this. The nurse said it was still too early to tell the sex of the baby, so we will have to wait a bit longer to find out. We were able to hear the heartbeat again during the ultrasound! The heart rate was 169 on Friday. We got some amazing ultrasound pictures. James and I just can’t stop looking at them! James and I were so excited during the ultrasound that we forgot to take pictures, but hopefully we will remember next time!

Heading into the hospital for our ultrasound...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

12 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: I'm 12 weeks!

Size Of Baby: Baby Hornaday is the size of a lime.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 5 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: I am still wearing all of my normal clothes. My pants continue to get tighter and tighter! I wore my bella band this week for the first time, and I really liked it. I hope it will keep me from having to buy new pants too quickly. Today I wore leggings to church, and I was so comfortable. I may spend a lot of time in leggings in the following months!

Gender: We are SO excited to find out!

Movement: No movement yet, but I CANNOT wait to feel this sweet baby move!

Sleep: I am still sleeping great. I continue to feel great during the day, but this week I had a hard time staying awake past 9 o'clock! Part of my problem is that I am waking up earlier because I am falling asleep so early, so then I'm tired again early at night! It's a crazy cycle. I am just so thankful to be sleeping so well.

What I Miss: Still POP!!

Cravings: This week I've been craving apples, tator tots, and pizza.

Symptoms: I felt pretty good this week. I had a few headaches. It was a busy and stressful week at school, so I think that caused me to feel icky more than being pregnant! I have also felt a little nauseous right around 11:00 am, but I will eat a few crackers or a granola bar and feel much better.

Best Moment This Week: The best thing this week has been reaching the 12 week mark! It seems like a pretty big milestone, and we are just so excited to be getting closer to meeting our sweet baby!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

11 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: I'm 11 weeks!

Size Of Baby: Baby Hornaday is the size of a fig.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 5 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: I am still wearing all of my normal clothes, but my pants are getting tighter and tighter. This week I had to do the hairband trick a few days and I also bought a belly band! I've not used the belly band yet, but I'm excited to try it out!

Gender: We are SO excited to find out!

Movement: No movement yet, but I CANNOT wait to feel this sweet baby move!

Sleep: I have continued to sleep great. I've had a good amount of energy during the day and evening, but by 10:00 I just can't stay awake. I am so thankful to be sleeping so well!

What I Miss: Pop!! I would do about anything for a large McDonald's coke :) The Quiznos in our town just reopened, so I'm also missing being able to go there for lunch!

Cravings: This week I've been craving pizza, bbq chicken wings, and McDonald's.

Symptoms: This week I felt pretty good. I've had a few really bad headaches, but luckily they happened at night and I could just relax. I've also forgotten to mention how stuffy I have been this whole pregnancy! At first, I thought it was just allergies, but it's not going away. This only really bothers me at night and it's nothing big, but I want to document it!

Best Moment This Week: The best thing this week has just been watching my belly grow. I texted James one morning this week saying how I almost could not button a pair of my capris. He wrote back saying "That just means the baby is growing!" He's so right, and it's exactly what we want... a growing, healthy, baby :) Feeling so blessed to have this miracle inside of me!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

10 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights...

How Far Along: I'm 10 weeks!

Size Of Baby: Baby Hornaday is the size of a prune.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 4 lbs (I was using different scales, so this could be a little off!)

Maternity Clothes: I am still wearing all of my normal clothes, but my pants are feeling pretty snug!

Gender: We are SO excited to find out!

Movement: No movement yet, but I CANNOT wait to feel this sweet baby move!

Sleep: I have been sleeping great! I'm still falling asleep on the couch most nights before 10:00, but this week I've had a more energy than I've had in a while.

What I Miss: Pop!! I had the craziest dream last night about wanting a coke from McDonald's :)

Cravings: This week I've been craving cottage cheese, pizza, cinnamon toast, and apples! James has been so good about going to eat where I want and cutting up apples whenever I want one!

Symptoms: This week I felt great. The feeling of complete exhaustion has seemed to pass and I really have not felt sick at all. Such a blessing!

Best Moment This Week: Last night James and I went on a date to Ft. Wayne. After dinner and shopping at Target and the mall, we made our first trip to Babies-R-Us! It was so fun to look at all the baby things, and to start talking about what we like and what we will need. James looked over at me while we were looking at all the baby stuff and said, "You have the biggest smile on your face right now!"