Sunday, March 20, 2011

An Update

I am obviously not a good Blogger! I've got plenty of excuses, but I won't bother listing them all :) Life has been busy! My belly is definitely growing and we can hardly wait to meet our sweet boy. I've not been feeling great. I know I've really had a pretty easy pregnancy and for that I am very thankful. The first trimester was by far the best. I never had any morning sickness and other than feeling very tired and a little nauseous here and there, I felt pretty great. My second trimester was pretty good too. I had more energy. I did start getting some really bad headaches, but quickly learned that if I'd eat snacks between meals my headaches mostly stayed away. I wish I could say the third trimester has been as easy! Getting bigger has made me very uncomfortable. My back has been hurting so bad. It's my upper and middle part of my back and I have terrible sharp pains most of the day. I have not found anything that really helps. (Except for when James is rubbing it, which he has been wonderful at doing!) Baby boy is also pushing into my ribs, which is creating a lot of soreness. I struggle to get comfortable. I'm not sleeping well and have also fought a pretty bad cold. My emotions have also been all over the place. Just this weekend I've also started getting swollen. My feet and ankles are huge. They tingle! My hands are a little swollen but are not too bad. I am so thankful that the end is near and I know it is all so totally worth it. Hopefully in less than 6 weeks we will have our precious boy in our arms. Just the thought makes me giddy with excitement. I LONG to have him in my arms. I have LOVED the bonding we are doing while he is in my womb, but I am ready to snuggle him and kiss him and smell him!!! I've not officially announced his name on my blog. Sweet boy will be James Russell Hornaday III. Mama plans to call him JJ. It means a lot to daddy to have his son named after him and his grandpa Hornaday. And I will get total control over naming our next baby :) HA! I hope to keep up this blog better than I have, but I won't make any promises! Here are some pictures of my growing belly!

28 weeks...

29 weeks...

30 weeks...

33 weeks... (I missed taking photos during weeks 31 and 32)

34 weeks...

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