Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Getting Closer!

I am currently 39 weeks and 1 day pregnant! It seems crazy that I've been pregnant this long and that we are so close to having our sweet JJ in our arms. It really has gone fast. I think it has really helped that I've been pregnant during the school year and I've had so many other things to focus on with work. Being pregnant is such a miracle. My favorite part is feeling JJ move inside of me. I have loved watching him and feeling him move and kick around. I know I am really going to miss it. However, I could not be more ready to have him!

I have wanted to have a baby and be pregnant for so long, that I've really tired to enjoy every minute of my pregnancy. The past month has been the hardest for me. I continue to have terrible back pain and my ribs hurt constantly. Poor baby is just running out of room, but goodness is it uncomfortable. Also, as our due date has gotten closer it has become harder and harder to be patient and wait for his arrival.

Within the past 3 weeks, my blood pressure has really started to be high. We have had a non-stress test done at the hospital once every week for the past 3 weeks. Each time, JJ has looked great and has been very active! Yesterday at my 39 week appointment my blood pressure was the highest it has been, at 140/90. JJ is head down, very low, and in a good position, which was very exciting to hear! I was 1 cm dilated. Due to my high blood pressure, our doctor sent us over to the hospital to have a special ultrasound done and another NST. The ultrasound lasted about 30 minutes, and we LOVED being able to see our sweet boy. The technology amazes me! We could see his lips moving, his heart beating, and his lungs. He had one of his little feet up by his head, which made us laugh! We could see his hair and were even able to see color on the screen where blood was pumping through my placenta. From the ultrasound, they predicted that JJ weights about 6 lbs, so I'm excited he should be small. Definitely makes delivery a little less scary! HA! The ultrasound was unbelievable! Everything looked great during the ultrasound so we were sent to the OB where we had the NST. Again, he looked great so we were sent home! I have an appointment this afternoon with another doctor in town to see about possibly being induced due to my high blood pressure. We totally trust our doctor and know he wants what is absolutely best for me and the baby. We are so thankful for him and are anxious to find out what the doctor says today. I am feeling very anxious and just can't wait to find out what the plan is.

I am home today, and it would be my guess that even if I am not induced, I probably won't be able to go back to work. I am thankful that Heidi and Leona will have everything taken care of with my class and I won't have to worry about my kids at all. My class has been so sweet during my pregnancy. They love to feel my belly, ask if he's moving, and say the sweetest things! I can't wait to take JJ in to meet them once he's born!

My orders are to rest today and then we have our appointment this afternoon. Hopefully we will meet our boy VERY soon. I am BEYOND excited, I can hardly stand it!

35 weeks...

36 weeks...

37 weeks...

38 weeks...

Our first NST...

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