Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1 Month Old!

Oh my sweet JJ, I cannot believe you are already a month old! Time is going too fast. I tell you everyday I want you to stay little, but I'm so excited to see how you grow and change over the years. You are just the sweetest baby! This past month has been one of the best months of my life. (And hardest too!) You are such an incredible blessing and I am so thankful to be your mama!

You are still sleeping a lot, but starting at three weeks have had more and longer periods of time where you are wide awake and alert. We love seeing your darling blue eyes. We absolutely love all of your facial expressions. You are already very animated! You stretch and make the funniest faces when you first wake up. You will show a wide variety of emotions in such short amounts of time!

You love to have your hands by your face. You will cover your eyes or cover your ears when you are sleeping! When you are sleeping on a flat surface you love to have your hands above your head. You did not like your cradle at first, so you are sleeping in your car seat. At first you had your days and nights mixed up, but you are sleeping during the night much better now.

You will go 2-3 hours between nursing at night. For the most part, you nurse every 2hours during the day. Nursing has not come easily, but we are doing better. We have good days and we have bad days, but mommy and daddy know it is the best for you so we keep on pushing through the difficult days. Dr. Dick was worried about you not gaining weight and so we had to try to supplement with formula. You seemed to hate it! You would not take the formula from a bottle so we fed it to you using a syringe while you were breastfeeding. This seemed to work better but you started nursing much better and gaining weight so we're not doing it anymore. I love talking to you while you are nursing and absolutely love it when you watch me while you're eating.

You usually only cry when you are hungry and boy do you let us know! You will also cry if you pee through your clothes, which seems to happen a lot :) You also do not like to be naked!

You have stayed very tiny, and finally at 4 weeks were above your birth weight at 6 pounds 10 ounces. Mommy was so happy to have you gaining weight. You left the hospital weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces. At 1 week old you were 5 pounds 14 ounces, at 2 weeks you were 5 pounds 8 ounces, at 3 weeks you were 5 pounds 14 ounces and then at 4 weeks you were 6 pounds 10 ounces!

You are wearing newborn diapers and newborn clothes. Some of your newborn clothes are still too big for you!

You have a ton of hair, which mommy absolutely LOVES! Your hair seems to be the first thing people notice when they look at you. Everyone also comments about you being so small! Most people say you look like both your daddy and I.

You are a very happy baby. You love your swing and bouncy seat. You also love to just lay on the floor. You are happiest when you are in someones arms. You are a great cuddler! You respond to sound and move your head from side to side. You rolled over when you were 4 days old at the doctors office! You like to kick your legs and move around. We think you are going to be very athletic :)You have started to smile a little, which absolutely melts mama's heart! You also know your mommy and daddy's voices.

You have so many people that absolutely love you and are completely smitten with you! God has really blessed us with so many people that care about you.

I love you so much JJ and I am so glad you are mine!

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