Wednesday, June 22, 2011

2 Months Old!

You are two months old JJ, June 22, 2011. Time is going too fast. I'm sure I will say this every time I write your monthly post. No matter how old you are, you will always be my little boy!

You are really growing! You have definitely outgrown the "newborn" stage. However you are still wearing newborn clothes and newborn size diapers. At your 2 month doctor appointment you weighed 9 lbs 8 oz and were 21 1/4 inches long! You are small, but you are mighty! You love to move around. You kick your legs and move your arms a lot. You have discovered your hands and love to watch them. You have also started sucking on your hands. Right now, you mostly suck on your whole hand and wrist, but occasionally you will find a finger. It is so fun to watch you!

You are just the sweetest baby. You are so good. You are happy to just sit and watch me when I need to get things done around the house. You love your bouncy seat, swing, playmat, and the floor. This month you have started to become so aware of what is going on around you. You will follow toys with your eyes when we move them from side to side. You love to be talked to. You smile and smile when we talk to you! Your smile absolutely melts my heart. It makes me so happy to see you smile.

You are nursing better. Mama gets frustrated sometimes, but we're still going strong. You are now going about 3 hours between feedings which is such a nice change. We can actually get out of the house and go places much easier and mama feels much less stress about you eating. Mommy will also pump and we will give you a bottle, which you take great! You still don't like to be burped, but you're doing better. Daddy is the master burper and sometimes mommy will hand you to him if he is around to burp you! Most nights you go to bed around 10:30 and will get up once around 3 to nurse and then again around 6:30. You go right back to sleep after eating, which is a wonderful blessing. Mommy loves when you only get up once during the night and I feel like a new person when I get longer periods of sleep. However, I love the time with you no matter what time of day or night it is. I treasure our cuddle time right after I have nursed and changed you, this is one of my favorite things! You still take several great naps during the day. You will nap anywhere.. the couch, floor, bouncy, swing, car seat! You do great in the car and usually fall asleep while we are driving. You don't mind getting a bath unless you get cold, then up get upset!

You are definitely a spoiled little boy, which I think is wonderful. You are so loved! Your hair is still long and everyone loves it and comments on it. You loved to be held and your family loves to hold you! You are such an amazing gift from God. We love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, JJ, you are SO CUTE! You have a little mohawk just like your buddy Griffin. You remind me so much of him in all your pictures and from what your mama says about you. I love watching you grow! :)
